الأربعاء، 3 يوليو 2019


Faculty of Dar Uloom at Minia University is seeking to be the pioneer governmental University and the attractive radiation focus among the Egyptian Dar Uloom Faculties as a researcher and educational institution that participate in developing the local community with fruitful and active effect and form.


Faculty of Dar Uloom is seeking to graduate sophisticated and distinguished students specialized in the Aracic language with its all arts and aspects in addition to the islamic sciences inorder to meet the community needs from specific teachers and researchers also the also the culture institutions through providing then with the basics of the Knowledge skills according to the international standards in the discipline field with the total aware with the environmental and community problems and professional ethics, Also the college mission extended to include improving the graduaties capacities through the intensive courses and the workshops and the Master and Doctorate degree and also improving the position and the state of the Arabic language in the community and illustrating the different concepts if the right and moderate islamic and resisting violence and terrorism in addition to the college participate in enriching and developing the arabic and islamic sciences through the origin researches and developing the community and the surrounding environment through the scientific consultants which related to the arabic lanuguage and its different arts and the islamic sciences

Faculty History

The Faculty was firstly established under the name of The Faculty of Arabic Studies according the Presidential Decree no.
(293) for 1983. Then the name was changed into the Faculty of Dar El Uloum according to the Presidential Decree no. (470) on 29/11/1999.
The Faculty entered the stage of Development in 2005/2006. The faculty was reviewed in 2007/2208, and it is in the second stage of accrediting in the project of CIQAB.
The faculty is not only satisfied with its academic mission and graduated only specialists but also extends to raise human awareness , educates him and publish thought combining between our Arabia and Islamic society .
The faculty includes seven departments:
Linguistics, Semitic and Eastern Studies
Rhetoric, Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature
Syntax, Morphology and Metric
Islamic History & Islamic Culture
Islamic Philosophy 
Literary Studies
Islamic Law